Intro Facebook, MySpace, and yes everyone’s other cool community based application has a new neighbor, ‘Ficticious Application #1’. It has the cool features of adding your friends to a network of people, selecting your shows, and other neat little features as adding videos of your favorite show to your profile. But this isnt a plug
As the new framework, Zend Framework, roles out for the PHP language I was curious how the framework would stack up to a non-structured small application. This article will cover the Zend_Cache module and a quick ab test on a small application that will print out 10 lines using a for loop. The Zend Framework
Im currently reading a book, From Java to Ruby, for me it should be title, From PHP to Ruby. Im looking into the benefits of moving my attention from PHP to a Ruby based framework Rails. The book mentions that a developer should realize why he is moving away from the current language and into