Category: Personal Rants


2023 is coming to a close. We survived Covid….3 times, lost family, moved twice, hit snags along the way, and for some reason or another decided that staying within a cave was a better idea than to venture out and try again. What a crazy, depressing time to be alive. What a crazy 3 years


Was cleaning out a few things and ran across the below. Its from August 13th 2019. ——- A few years back I lived in San Fran.  Worked for Yahoo.  Now im back in SF, with a family and to be honest…feel uneasy about it all.  Im sitting in the bart writing this, getting ready to

The Fit

Where do I fit in the technology landscape?  Im currently a Director/IC at Capital One and as I’ve grown in my career I’ve continued to dig at the question,  where do I want to go, and, what does it mean to be successful there.  For a long time I wanted to be a director, now,

The challenge

It wasn’t until I left the meeting, came home, watched my wife put Amanda to sleep , and went into the home office that I started to think about what happened that morning and the conclusion that I came to. Having teams, divisions, companies reach goals while there are many negative factors is a high

Jan 1st 2014…

I wanted to catch you up on what’s been happening. A lot. Amanda, we headed to Hawaii for a good long, much needed vacation, your great grandmother passes away, I had a scare with my stomach, I proposed to your mom, and you kept growing. Your mom and I just got back from Sami’s birthday

Not Knowing.

I’m sitting at my desk at work. Listening to Led Zepplin’s, Ten Years Gone. Lately, yes again, I’ve been thinking about what I will leave behind. I keep feeling like something is missing. Not in the love, relationship, family, or work catergory but in the human category. What exactly have I left for humanity to

Who is this guy?

Its been a while since I felt like I actually contributed to the dev community. Last night I came to this old site and wondered who this guy was. He had neat things to say. Now? I spend my time coding, putting things together and generally trying to get things done. Do I succeed at

Person Rant – Update on life.

Update. Family I’m dating my High School best friend. After hanging out for a while we decided, hey why not? And well, though it’s still early in the relationship I feel this is a great match. We’re also purchasing a home and hopefully it will close sometime soon, hopefully before years end but I’m not