Author: Armando Padilla

Inverted Index and Ruby

Inverted Index and YOU! Yahoo, Google, Microsoft and basically all other search engines had to start somewhere and so we start here with an Inverted Index. What is it? Heck! why do we even use it? In the opening of this article i brought up a few search engines, they use large, billion and billions

AI and Grad School.

My second quarter of Grad School, and im taking two classes which focus on AI. One is the general AI class and the other is a Data mining class. The overall goal this quarter? Make sure that the topic I chose for my thesis/project is the right one. As many of you know I’ve been

Architecture – Zend Framework App #1

Intro Facebook, MySpace, and yes everyone’s other cool community based application has a new neighbor, ‘Ficticious Application #1’. It has the cool features of adding your friends to a network of people, selecting your shows, and other neat little features as adding videos of your favorite show to your profile. But this isnt a plug

A few notes on RoR

Im currently reading a book, From Java to Ruby, for me it should be title, From PHP to Ruby. Im looking into the benefits of moving my attention from PHP to a Ruby based framework Rails. The book mentions that a developer should realize why he is moving away from the current language and into


Language * VMC Java Naming Conventions * VMC Architectural Components * Sun Language Conventions * VMC Database Naming Conventions * VMC JavaDoc Conventions * VMC Project/Package Directory Structure [Methodologies] * Domain Driven Design * Service Oriented Architecture * Test Driven Development [Patterns] * Pattern Catalog * MVC * IOC * Factory * Singleton [XP] *

RDF – Week 4

I’m back. A bit gloomy. I’ve been writing a bit on the Semantic Web and theres just so much to it. No its not that its hard its just too much “stuff” a document has to implement in order for the SW to take shape. I don’t see how a site admin will add a

Semantic Web – Week 2..

Into week 3 actually, I’ve been reading a few online blogs and articles and it seems like much of what Tim Berners-Lee (brought you such products as the WWW) promised concerning the semantic web has been in the works for a long time and has even failed a few times. Kind of disconcerting, no? It