Scala + Lift. First Impressions

The line, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” comes to mind. Scala is a relative new language and is a functional language. Lift is a web framework which runs scala. For the last few days ive dabbled with both and aside from somewhat fun ive had working with it I have to point out that I dont get it…

No, I dont mean i dont know how to use it. Ive created a few example projects already but just dont get why the the developers decided to change the syntax SO MUCH. Its like …what??? why??? just for the hell of it??? Also one of the selling points for scala is how well it plays with Java. Most of you know from previous articles how i think Java is not for the web so I dont get why scala would be any different. It runs on the JVM and list runs on a servlet container (ex Tomcat). So all the headaches that i had with Tomcat, Java, and the web application are back…great. So far these are my first impressions of both scala and lift. I plan to create a small TO-DO list using both technologies and publish a small tutorial soon.

It was either scala/lift or learn Ruby well. I chose something completely out in left field. We’ll see, heck Scala+Lift is bosting thats it a few times faster than Ruby on Rails. So…

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