Killing time while ops pushes new packages.

Its 3:35pm and waiting on one of my package to make it into the QA environment.  Just wanted to bring everyone up to speed.

So with Tom Petty blaring in my hears, ill catch you up.  I transferred over to the mobile team at Yahoo, I was previously with Shine.  Yea Armando is now doing some Iphone, PDA bad-ass-ness.   Well not yet, my managers have to come to an agreement when I can move over. But im excited to be part of the team.  The weird thing is that im taking this Distributed Systems course and we’re talking about mobile applications so who would have thought…weird i know.

I spent July 4th with mostly friends in Los Angeles.  I found out an old friend now lives back in LA and teaches at a pretty good high school, congrats to her.  I also realized my parents went to Mexico and werent at home when I arrived at 5am at their house.  I had to bust down the door to get in. Yea i know how to kick down doors with only a single,nice, precise kick.  TV teaches a lot.

Well it seems like the packages made it to QA so time to get back to work.

Armando Padilla – Killing time while ops pushes new packages.

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