This weekend, I got caught up with a few things at home specifically my initial attempts at benchmarking Zend Framework (ZF).  Ive heard some rumbbling about its performance compared to other PHP frameworks so I had to take a look.  This week was THAT! week lol.

I sat down on Saturday and using my personal machine I wanted to take readings for

1.  Static HTML file

2. trivial PHP

3. ZF powered application.

The application was very simple,  a hello world message printed on the screen, nothing more or less.

Windows XP,  Pentium 4 CPU 3.20Ghz, with 1Gb RAM, running Apache 2.2, Zend Framework 1.8.3, and PHP 5.2.9

1. how many request per second a ZF application could receiand time per request changed between a static HTML file, trivial PHP, and ZF application.

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