Person Rant – Update on life.


I’m dating my High School best friend. After hanging out for a while we decided, hey why not? And well, though it’s still early in the relationship I feel this is a great match. We’re also purchasing a home and hopefully it will close sometime soon, hopefully before years end but I’m not counting on it anymore based on their ETA track-record.

The most interesting thing? More like life-changing? I’m going to be a father. Yep, me…I’m going to be a dad. I was actually hoping she would have a puppy but a healthy baby would be better. You know, It’s been interesting these last few weeks. From the doctor visits to the ultrasound, to the thoughts that I need a 4-door car since the 2-door just wont cut it anymore. I went from asking for a baby-girl, asking for baby that would be the first human on Mars, the first Hispanic president, to simply a healthy baby. If you’re reading this and you turned out to be a boy…your dad still loves you 🙂

I have a project I want to create for my baby. I’m not sure how to start it though. I’ll keep thinking about it.

After deciding that Riotgames wasnt going to be part of my new life, due to family and health reasons I can honestly say that I haven’t found a company that I loved. Yep, the “love” word. It was crazy at times, it was sitting around sometimes, it was managing highly intelligent dudes 100% of the time, but looking back at it. I now miss that atmosphere, the dedication by every engineer, and the drive to make everyone better by the leadership. It was a great company to be a part of.

I’ve had 2 companies which have stood out in my engineer career. 3.5 actually but I will leave those 1.5 out since they are for negative reasons. The 2 companies? NBC/Universal and RiotGames. I met Chris Nelson there, one of the best managers I’ve worked for to this date and RiotGames where I met 2 engineers and 1 Senior Product Manager who pushed me to be a better person and think…yes think. I learned by observing the best. It was great.

Personal goals are off the table for now. Just want to be a good father, an ok engineer, and good guy to friends who actually have stuck around.

Armando Padilla – on my personal universe is shrinking again.

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