Author: Armando Padilla

Parts of Speech Tagging N-Grams

Part of my thesis is to analyze a set of SMS messages using Parts of Speech Tagging. I wanted to see what POS would come up with given SMS messages to analyze. It was interesting. For the most part POS could successfully tag each of the SMS messages properly but was curious to see if

The challenge

It wasn’t until I left the meeting, came home, watched my wife put Amanda to sleep , and went into the home office that I started to think about what happened that morning and the conclusion that I came to. Having teams, divisions, companies reach goals while there are many negative factors is a high

Jan 1st 2014…

I wanted to catch you up on what’s been happening. A lot. Amanda, we headed to Hawaii for a good long, much needed vacation, your great grandmother passes away, I had a scare with my stomach, I proposed to your mom, and you kept growing. Your mom and I just got back from Sami’s birthday

Not Knowing.

I’m sitting at my desk at work. Listening to Led Zepplin’s, Ten Years Gone. Lately, yes again, I’ve been thinking about what I will leave behind. I keep feeling like something is missing. Not in the love, relationship, family, or work catergory but in the human category. What exactly have I left for humanity to

Catching Up

I was asked my one of my two advisors, Prof Dozier from USC to explore a possible blog to keep my thought and exploration on track. So here I am…blogging about my work (lol) As my first entry I want to cover a few items. Starting off with what got me to this point, the