Category: Personal Rants

Tuesday lunch talk.

Ive had a neighbor on mind for some time now. I remember walking up to his house situated in the back of my friends house and knocking on the door and asking if he needed any help with his groceries or needed anything at all. Sure it mind sound like we, my friend and I,

Who Says

Yeap. So i havent had anything to write about lately. I think im recuperating from writing the book. I guess a recap is in order. Im still working at Yahoo and still working in the Mobile team. My boss quit so did the PM for my specific group so I was pretty upset I was

Folded hands on lap.

When i picture my grandparents this picture, a picture that my sister sent me a few weeks ago, stands out. In a single snap shot you get a feel for their personalities. From left to right, My dads mom, my mom’s mom, and my mom’s dad. My grand father on my dad’s side is missing

Callate Cabron!

I was sleeping at my parents house this weekend when a loud 4-5 year old cries for god knows what tore through the night. I woke, apparently 5 minutes into it (im assuming), to his cries and my utter contempt for this kid that i had never met. The kid continued to cry non stop,