Tag: Zend Framework

Benchmarking Zend Framework 1.8.4

About 2 months ago I sat in on a PHP performance session at work taught by non other than Rasmus Lerdof.  Aside from creating PHP he had some really neat stuff to talk about concerning performance.  Most of the presentation came from the php.net site, talks.php.net. Take a look at the talks when you have

Zend Framework 1.8 Released

Last week ZF 1.8 was released and this weekend I spent the better part of it looking through the documentation and over a few of the items released within this package. A few standouts include: Zend_Tool Zend_Tag The Cloud computing components For more information heres the complete list of features released.  I also had a

Zend_Service_Netflix Release 1 Available.

So about a month after initially starting on the code, I finally released two versions of the Zend_Service_Netflix wrapper for the Zend Framework, submitted a proposal to the Zend Framework Team, and changed the status on my proposal from “New” to “Ready for Review”.  Pheww was that hard work put to good use.  It feels

A step back?

Like most of you know I’ve been interviewing with a few companies lately and during one of the interviews the interviewer expressed something to me that i thought I was the only one thinking. My thought, “wow i totally know what you mean…but i shouldn’t agree with you because you might think im kissing your