2010 is coming to a close and like always I like to write a few things about what I’ve learned this year. And no, im not writing this in a foreign country this year. I promise to do so next year…in China. Career When I was coming up in my career a developer said something
Monday through Thursday what a ride. Yes I did miss some of the keynote speaker and yes I snagged a lunch which didnt belong to me. Sorry Sorry…ugh 🙂 Anyways ZendCon was awesome! I’m not sure why this event does not have more participants but I have to say that I greatly enjoyed it. Thumbs
Woke up at 9am, got ready, feed the dogs, walked the dogs, and finally gave them a fresh amount of water in their water dish before heading out the door to Monterey Ca. I drove alone, not to be a dick to my team but I just wanted to think about whats going on in
I have a hard time telling people what I do with the money I have. Its not that I care. Actually, I do. In the past few years I’ve learned to speak very little about how much I make around people, friends, relatives, and those that I used to think would understand. I sorta know
Not that many people take the time to look at this section so when i started to get hits on this section of my page I grew interested. Then again I’ve havent written on here much do to things. I know your reading. Bored at school? Its ok I dont mind. I bet you’re telling
So much to talk about, so much to think about, and so many things to reconsider. This is just going to be a free form rant. No topic really but ill try to provide some structure to it. While I was in Spain one of the things I asked myself was, “Do i really want
Last week was very interesting for me, as you can tell by the erratic postings on my blog. A few days ago something happened while driving to class. While driving, a car pulled up next to me, the girl was alone in the car, and we just cruised along together for about 10 minutes. I
I guess people do change. Im not talking about anyone specifically, im 100% talking about myself. I’ve realized that taking people, situations, text, pretty much everything, at face value makes life so much easier. The moment I start reading into things everything begins to break down. I’ve realized life is pretty short to do this.
Eh, bad dream so im up pretty early. Mountains of books, elephants, a sleeping lion in front of a dilapidated home, a zoo within a swap-meet, and being betrayed by a friend. The weird thing about all this? After I found out the first person that popped into my head to find was Veronica (someone